Jozef Kroner

Jozef Kroner (* 20 March 1924, Staškov – † 12 March 1998, Bratislava) was a Slovak actor. His brother Ľudovít Kroner, daughter Zuzana Kronerová, and wife Terézia Hurbanová-Kronerová were actors, too. He starred in the Oscar-winning film The Shop on Main Street, and in more than 50 other Slovak films, as well as in several Czech, Bulgarian and Hungarian productions. He never studied acting, his career started in amateur theater troupes.

His biography Jozef Kroner's Tracks (Trate Jozefa Kronera) was produced by director Fero Fenič in 1987. Jozef Kroner is also an author of several mostly autobiographic books.

Jozef Kroner Awards

Since 2001, Jozef Kroner Awards are presented annually by the Jozef Kroner Foundation, established after the death of the artist.[1]


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